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Miniaturka MTV
Real Ufo Reflection on iPhone
Signals from Extraterrestrial Intelligence Aliens on an iPhone while an incoming call.
7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Prince Appeared During Lightning 21-04.2017
Prince appears in clouds one year after his death.
okejki 1 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
iPhone 8 Plus leaked
IPhone 8 Plus leaked Video from inside factory. The video likely be removed soon so SHARE now!
okejki 2 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Sending iPhone Siri to Infinity!
This trick will make any iPhone stuck in an infinity loop. In order to make the "hey siri read note" bug work, you have to "set up hey siri" in nearly the same pitch as the original siri voice. Herefore you can use a captured original audio file with the original voice of siri which says "hey siri" (you can find a lot of these online. Furthermore it´s important that all ambient so(…)
okejki 2 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Plane does sudden change in direction
Very strange behaviour of an airplane. sudden changes in direction. and sound. No idea what this was. Source: CNN News (115x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Life Hack: Turn Off Your TV Only Using Paper and Lighter!
This simple life hack video shows you, how to turn off any television only using a lighter and a piece of paper. The lighter acts as an emitter of infrared light, the light which is normally emitted by the remote.
7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
shower and rubber band - experiment
Attaching a rubber band to a shower results in an infinity loop!
okejki 1 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Glowing 1000 degree Knife vs Working Cam !
Experiment showing what will happen when you cut a working camera using a 1000 degree hot glowing knife! If there is an item that's essential for cooking in every kitchen, it's probably a butcher or steak knife. To a chef, a sharp knife is the do it-all tool in his kitchen for them, slicing through tasks and chopping up to-do's in haste. In this video we are heating up an or(…)
okejki 1 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
African grey mimics "Apple Siri Noise"
African grey mimics "Apple Siri Noise" My African grey coco loves the Apple Siri's her favorite noises to make (34x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 7 lat temu